Monday 14 May 2012

Episode 12 - June is the most wicked month...

Have you noticed how every family has a horror month for birthdays?  There’s always a month on the calendar where birthdays cluster like tween girls around a One Direction poster, and no matter how well you try to prepare, the sheer magnitude of the significant dates overwhelm all your best intentions.

Mine is June.  My best friend, brother, parents and three other close friends are all born within thirty days of each other.  And salting the wound, my parents are actually born on the same day. Unacceptable.  It’s such a major issue for me, that when my hubby and I decided to have kids, there was a three month period where I flat out refused to attempt procreation, just because conception then might lead to a June baby.  Imagine that conversation:  “Sorry honey, not tonight.  How about six weeks from now?”

June is my personal hell, and after many years of living with the dreaded 06, I have noticed a peculiarity about my behaviour towards this time of my year.  My moods always follow the same five emotions as people dealing with grief: Denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance.  Let me explain…

This normally hits about mid-May and lasts until the first day of June.  My poor tiny mind simply can’t grasp the fact that it’s almost June and shuts down.  This is where I start sounding like my eighty-six year old nana by making senior-style statements like, “How is almost half the year gone again?” and “Each year goes faster than the last…”

June 1, and with birthdays looming only days away, presents unbought and cards unsent, a tsunami of rage boils within me.  Lord help innocent bystanders if this stage happens to coincide with THAT time of the month.  About now, I’ll normally scream completely redundant proclamations to the sky like, “WHY!!!???  June is STUPID!!!  I HATE birthdays!  What were all your horny parents doing back in September anyway?  This is everybody’s fault but mine!!!”

In desperation, I turn to online shopping and card creation sites, with futile hopes that the delivery promise of three days, doesn’t mean three business days.  I try fooling myself that “There’s still time!” and find myself wandering idealess around Target or Ikea, looking for a gift to jump off the shelf… then end up leaving with a gift card.

As I arrive for parties and family dinners, sheepishly proffering flowers from Woolies and a $1 card filled out two minutes earlier in the car, the sinking sensation hits.  Inevitably, there’s always some smug show off in attendance with a thoughtful and generous gift that just makes me want to drown myself in the nearest wine glass.  And the excuses I make sound vapid even to me, “Sorry, I’ve been busy, I thought this party was next week, etc…”

At the end of the month, I finally cut myself a break: I am a full-time working mother of two, with a husband who runs his own seven day a week business.  I will NEVER be the kind of person who plots perfect gifts months in advance and I can barely remember my own birthday, let along other people’s, without my calendar.  If my family and friends choose to be offended over late cards and hasty gifts, then they’re not paying attention to the other eleven months of year when I strive to be a loving daughter, supportive friend and tolerant sibling.

Having said all of that, with the advent of so many awesome and creative websites for online buying, an automatic birthday calendar with weekly reminders and a strong self-motivation to do better than before, I am truly hoping this year will be different.

I’ll get onto it next week.  Or the one after.  I’ve got plenty of time…

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